This Veteran is Neither for Biden nor Trump: Get Your Self Sorted

Dear Editor,

In one of his frequent and sometimes ill-informed letters to YCN, MSgt. (Ret) Jose Bustos, Jr. lists me among the local fans of Joe Biden, and urges all of us on his list to “write to us YCN readers your justification for the adulation and the drooling you experience for Joe Biden.”

That’s easy.  I have no such adulation and I experience no such drooling.

I did not vote for either Biden nor Trump in 2020, nor for Trump nor Shrillary in 2016.  I consider all three of them to be reprehensible human beings.  Both times I wrote in names, knowing it wouldn’t make any difference.  When it comes to choosing the leader of our nation, I think character should matter as much as policy–obviously a minority point of view these days.

Biden is simply a lifelong politician who has never had a private-sector job, and a professional Democrat whose views have changed whenever those of his party have.  He is also seemingly in the early stages of dementia and it’s downright dangerous to have him in charge.  He clearly has no principles, since he claims to be a devout Catholic but his views on most issues are in opposition to those of his church.

Trump’s personal flaws are well known and would take a VERY long letter.  Tragically, they also don’t seem to matter to his fanatical supporters who seem determined to lose the next election.

Anymore, the extremists seem to be taking more and more controi of both major parties.  Hating the opposition is what they have in common.  Disagreeing with the other side should not be the same as thinking the other side has evil motives.

I like the example Texas Democrat Sam Rayburn set in the 1950s, when as Speaker of the House he was asked by a reporter to evaluate President Eisenhower.  Rayburn said, “Good man.  Wrong job.”

I’m a veteran, too, Jose.  Vietnam 1968-69.

Dave Rye


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