by Jonathan McNiven- Yellowstone County News
Shepherd School District was evacuated Monday evening after a bomb threat was reported. Yellowstone county sheriff’s officers ordered that all remaining students and faculty in the school evacuate. Yellowstone County Sheriff’s deputies first cleared the Shepherd Elementary building and then the high school and surrounding buildings while sheriff deputies searched the buildings for any evidence.
Students and staff in the after-school programs were asked to leave the buildings and go outside for about two hours while the buildings were searched. After-school programs affected included FFA, weightlifting, detention and track practice. Other events that evening were canceled due to concerns for the public safety.
In an email letter sent from the Shepherd School District to parents and students, it said,
“We are informing the community of a non-specific bomb threat that was called into our elementary building after school today at about 3:45 p.m. This was after our students had left and were on the buses already, authorities were called and the buildings were all evacuated and searched. There was nothing found and no threat was substantiated. We would like the community to know that all precautions were taken and at no time was any child in danger. If you have questions, please come in and visit with a building administrator or school official. Please try to avoid calling in tomorrow if possible, as our lines will be very busy. Thank you”.
Yellowstone County News was on location of the evacuation and reached out to the commanding sergeant on duty two different times but was denied any information. However, the Yellowstone County News was told that a follow up call would be given Monday evening but no follow up call was received by Tuesday noon regarding the bomb threat.
For more information about the Shepherd area, visit the Shepherd Community website.