Sportsmen, Beware of SB-143

Dear Editor,

This bill is dangerous for Montanans.  Sportsmen, Beware! Montana voters passed I-161 in 2010 to limit guaranteed outfitter tags.

The current legislature (sponsor Jason Ellsworth (R) SD 43) has introduced SB-143 which negates I-161 thus bypassing the will of Montana voters. This Bill proposes to double the number of guaranteed outfitter licenses thus reducing non-outfitted non-residents. 

States which provide unrestricted landowner tags like proposed in this bill have experienced significant loss of public hunting opportunity.  Landowners can sell those tags to the highest bidder. Outfitters love them and lease even more land.

SB 143 will significantly reduce resident hunting opportunity on both private land and public land which may be currently accessible through block management or private landowner permission.

Let us not forget that the outfitting business depends on public wildlife and/or public lands for their business. They will take all they can get. Sportsmen must be careful that outfitters do not push the public out.

Harold Johns

Butte, MT

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