Why not get paid a fair wage for the jobs we do?

Dear Editor,

Krayton Kerns sometimes is close to the truth. He is worried about the progressivism, liberalism and others; I am worried about the Capitalist pyramid scam. Take away the little guy’s business and liveli-hood by fees, licenses, permits and unrealistic regulations, include mandatory insurance, loans with large interest rates and taxes–all this money going to Wall Street or some politician’s pocket. Make the rich richer and poor poorer. Keep selling things people can’t afford, need or want to keep the consumer index up. Krayton thinks we are looking for freebies, no we just want parity or equality, get paid a fair wage for the job we do and not have to worry about where the next dollar will come from to live on or meet the bare necessities.

As for Jonathan’s diatribe about Carl, we all know Trump was an arrogant, self-centered attention seeker long before he ran for president. Of all the candidates running on the Democratic ticket in 2016 and the national Democrats picked Hillary; even Democrats couldn’t vote for her. This time there are 19 possible candidates, but if the current top three are picked, then the election is rigged by the ruling class; they are bought and paid for by the ruling class. When Trump got elected, I thought what an example of the greed and manipulation the USA has played in the world for the past thirty or forty years. By telling other countries how to run their countries so our big corporations can make a profit all in the name of freedom. Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, all he has done is stir up the mud and add more water or more gas to the fire.

May God help us and the USA get back on track.

Lauris Byxbe

Pompeys Pillar

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