We’re seeking out some fresh perspective!

Folks,  there is so much going on this week with MontanaFair and our first ever Yellowstone DigIt Days that I won’t have much time to opine on Carl Wolf’s comments from last week as well as say good bye to our good friend Krayton Kerns with his weekly ramblings column from a Conservative Cow Doctor. We will miss having Krayton in our paper each week! So, you can imagine I’m looking for someone who can balance Carl Wolf’s Independent/Democrat column with a conservative column.  Do you know anyone that could step up to the daunting task? If so, let me know. 

Now, schools are starting classes in the next week or two and we are excited for that.  In fact, we are excited to be publishing the new school pages for Senior, Skyview, West and Lockwood.  I know some of them are just starting, so be patient as we start gearing up for those pages in the next weeks or so.  I am really excited for the new edition of Lockwood and Billings AA Schools being included in our paper each week. We will add honor pages as we go BUT first things first.  

Now to address a concern in our newspaper as to if we are a Republican ONLY newspaper. No that is not correct.  We are YOUR local county newspaper!   However, because we focus on the fiscal matters of our county AND we allow our readers, subscribers and locals to comment and print your letters to the editor, we have given a platform for everyone to send us a rebuttal to any column, article and/or perspective, including mine as Carl does consistently.    

The last thing I want to do is suppress those who feel like they have had no voice or feel suppressed for their point of view or ostracized from other sources like the Gazette in the past. 

Take Vic Feuerstein for example. Even though he …, Well, just know that we printed his letter to the editor last week. I think that says VOLUMES especially after he’s been so critical of our newspaper. 

So, send us letters to the editor and let us know what you think.  Chances are that many of your friends and associates feel the same way.  The problem is that I find that many readers, subscribers and those who have an opinion don’t want to put their name on letters to us so there is not much I can do about that.  

All I ask is that you be as respectful as possible as we all live in the same community and county, and we have so much more in common than what we do that separates us in Montana.

Yes, we are a fiscal “RAG” (as Carl calls it), and we will focus on the fiscal matters of Yellowstone County for our readers. If being fiscally-minded is a Republican point of view, then I guess we are on the right tract like what our President is trying to do.  I might not exactly agree with the extent and way he delivers it, BUT if he can’t do it, then I’m convinced no one can. All I can do is pray for our elected officials locally and nationally.     

  Finally, we have some other things we are working on and will hopefully announce them in the near future.  If you can see the tip of the iceberg getting bigger, then wait until we announce our next additions to our paper! I think it will be epic!

Until then, see you at Yellowstone Dig It Days! 


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