Congressman Gianforte responds to news of Colstrip units 1 & 2 closing at the end of 2019.

Montana’s Congressman Greg Gianforte released the following statement after learning that Colstrip Units 1 & 2 are closing at the end of 2019.   Talen Energy announced Tuesday in a press release of the closure.  


“Colstrip has long provided affordable, reliable electricity to Montanans, but the war on coal has jeopardized Colstrip and good-paying jobs for hardworking Montanans. I’ll continue working to keep Units 3 and 4 operating, protect Colstrip and Montana jobs, and provide affordable electricity to all Montanans.”


More info will be provided in this week’s Yellowstone County News.  

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One comment on “Congressman Gianforte responds to news of Colstrip units 1 & 2 closing at the end of 2019.

  1. Will all the groups who have been insisting on the closure of the Colstrip power plants be willing to make up the difference in the losses to Montana’s tax base? My guess is they will just move on to their next issue and leave taxpayers footing the increased tax bills. When will Montana citizens stand up to the environmental groups and start fighting back?
    Please do an article explaining all the taxes that Colstrip pays.