Dear Editor,
I thought maybe Carl had started to see the light, but I see he is back to his old tricks…smearing our President and anyone who supports or voted for him, i.e. Republicans/Conservatives. He claims the President is dividing the country when, in fact, the only party smearing Americans is the DNC and their minions – the main stream media. They have practiced and perfected the art of identity politics and division. They pit blacks v. whites, rich v. poor, Christians/Jews against every other religion just to mention a few. They are party calling Republicans every vile name in the book, even anti-American, physically beating them up on campuses and street corners, even denying our 1st amendment rights. Their resist, seek, and destroy at any costs the very foundations of our government because they did not get their way in an election is frankly bordering on unhinged. He has apparently even now dragged The Progressive Pioneer into his web. She’s even now talking psychoanalysis babble of Conservatives where we are the ones with distorted reality (remember, you’re the ones not accepting the election and now not accepting the Mueller report), irrational fear and fear-mongering! Again, Carl, Jennifer, and the DNC are the only ones running anyone down…maybe they should look inward before sewing such seeds of division…when you point a finger at someone, remember, there are four pointing back a you!
Dave Malek,
Billings, MT