Mr. Wolf, I couldn’t agree more!

Dear Editor,

Carl, thank you for your comments about writers who submit letters to the editor of YCN in your weakly column on March 22nd.  I had been mulling over a response to your constant snide & sarcastic digs at President Trump & his supporters for some time, but you wrote a much better critique of your own writing than I could have.

While your criticism was directed towards other writers who disagree with your biased and short-sighted opinions it certainly applies to your own writing as well!

Your comments were spot on when you said, and I quote, “They will say or contribute anything in a negative way….. when another person is being put down.”  You go on to say their opinions are not “based on facts”, yet I have never read any of your put downs that were based on facts or rational argument.

You called President Trump a liar so many times it lost its effect.  BUT, you have never said what he lied about or the actual lie, just that he was a liar because it’s part of the liberal Democrat narrative, and that you despise him, and anyone that would support him is beyond contempt and not intelligent enough to even know what is good for our country.

Furthermore, name calling is a juvenile tactic used by those that can’t argue issues or policies intelligently!

Then you talk about “contributors’ prejudices” and “accepted and acceptable” to “intelligent readers”.

Are you insinuating that those who disagree with you are lacking intelligence?!  Then you call them “bullies” and accuse them of putting others down when that is exactly what you have been doing to Trump supporters.

Then you mention “verbal abuse” and “dysfunctional thinking” and belittling others with “manufactured contempt”.

Your constant harangue about President Trump and his supporters is even more obvious because you have NEVER criticized a Dumocrat when there is plenty of corruption to write about there!

So, stick to your outdoor column Carl.  I admit you know that subject and your writing can be entertaining.

C.T. Ripley


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