Can you see the tip of the iceberg?

Well, folks, can you see the tip of the iceberg now? Did you see our big announcement all over the front page of last week’s paper?   If you can’t see the tip of the iceberg now and where we, as a newspaper, are going, then you must have read the wrong newspaper.  

On a lighter note, I had to chuckle as a person told me last week that they thought our big announcement was that we were going out of business.  I had to laugh as that is just the opposite as we announced that we doubled our circulation.  

However, I can understand their thought process as the newspaper industry, especially the dailies and national papers are declining in big numbers and the industry in general.  However, that is not the case for all newspapers, and especially the weeklies like us.  

We are not going away!  In fact, we have had a lot of support even since we announced that we doubled our circulation last week.   

For example, we’ve already had to adjust our delivery route and newspaper distribution as we’ve had even more businesses, individuals and entities taking our newspaper just in the last week.  In addition, do you see the new ads and advertisers? CLICK here to read more

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