Dear Editor:
Hmmm, let’s see what my choices are in the upcoming midterm elections.
On the one hand, we have the Democrat party that is totally obstructionist in their treatment of anything dealing with President Trump, who they hate along with all his supporters, whom they call deplorables, racists, bigots, homophobes, misogynists AND liars and “you can smell them at Walmart.” And just last weekend Joe Biden called Trump supporters “the dregs of society”!
Their hatred of President Trump and their attempts to demonize and discredit his administration and overturn the results of a federal election and the votes of 65 million voters is unprecedented in our history! In addition, many refuse to see any positive things taking place since President Trump was elected.
For example: the booming economy (over 4 percent growth, 1 percent in Obama’s presidency) and millions of jobs created, destruction of ISIS, diplomacy with North Korea and denuclearization talks there and in Iran, dealing with illegal immigration and crime, plus support of our police, military and many others.
In contrast, the Dimms promote socialism rather than democracy, open borders and sanctuary cities that give more rights and protections to illegal aliens and criminals than to law abiding taxpaying citizens. Many are in favor of limiting the First and Second Amendments to our U.S. Constitution by restricting free speech from those they disagree with and gun control, registration and confiscation!
They justify and promote violence and vandalism when it suits their narrative, as demonstrated by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter and MS-13, often with paid demonstrators!
These groups are represented by Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Shumer, Michael Moore, Barrack Obama AND Jon Tester, for he voted with them over 90 percent of the time since being in office in the U.S. Senate. But he certainly doesn’t want any of them to come to Montana and campaign for him even though he has taken millions in out-of-state campaign donations.
He certainly hasn’t been representing Montana and our values by voting that way! Hmmm, guess I know who I won’t be voting for.
C.T. Ripley