McNiven Meanderings 7-21-17

Jonathan McNiven

Well, folks, we are ready to announce a new addition to our weekly columnists. I’ve had a good number of readers ask me why there is no Democrat viewpoint in our paper each week, to which I’ve replied that I haven’t found the right person and fit for our publication.

It’s not that I haven’t put out the call for those interested in getting their viewpoints out to the masses. However, many have other obligations and time restrictions that don’t allow the commitment to a weekly column of this nature. However, I’ve found the next person and platform that we will be providing to the masses.

Jennifer Merecki, a progressive Democrat, will have a platform in our newspaper to explain her points of view as do our other columnists, like Krayton Kerns, Carl Wolf and Brad Molnar. As Krayton Kerns is from the conservative viewpoint, Carl Wolf has an outdoor perspective with his own twist and Brad Molnar has a constitutionally independent view, each has a viewpoint that has a valuable and intriguing input into the national debate of politics and state of our union, whether it be locally or nationally.

We welcome Jennifer Merecki as our newest columnist to the Yellowstone County News. I’ve met with Jennifer, and I believe she has a lot of experience and insight that will add to our conversation.

As I was formerly a Republican state legislator here in Montana, that does not mean I agree with all Republican stances. In fact, I have my own perspectives, but I’ve always told people that our paper is a fiscal paper. What I mean by that is this: Many decisions in my life made either for my business, family or for the general public are based on a fiscal perspective, ethical understanding and general society necessity. As someone who came from rags to riches (not sure I’ve reached that riches point yet), I do understand the value of a dollar, and many of my stances that I personally take are based on the financial perspective.

With that being said, I think there are many diverse and valid viewpoints that can be respectfully engaged in a public dialogue, and Jennifer Merecki’s progressive Democrat viewpoint will be a great addition.

Let us know what you think about our new addition and columnist. We like to get letters to the editor, as they are a good indicator of what our readers and subscribers are thinking in regards to if they like the perspectives or not.

As for Jennifer, I’m looking forward to the Democrats’ viewpoint, whether it’s out of touch or just on point. Either way, I’m excited to read her perspective.

Until then, welcome Jennifer!!!

See you in the paper,


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