Dear Editor,
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society?
Those who paid property taxes in Montana will be eligible to file a claim for another property tax rebate of up to $675 beginning August 15. The details are in a letter sent by the Montana Department of Revenue to all property tax payers. The letter explains how to ask the State how to get your own money back. I probably should know, but don’t, exactly how much we overpaid in taxes in the last two years. The last time I checked, the surplus tax collections ran to over $3 billion with some estimates getting close to $4 billion. Let me remind you that the surplus was mostly driven by income tax collections.
It is infuriating that we have to apply for the privilege of getting our money back. If you or I were to miscalculate our taxes, my guess is that the State would know exactly how much we paid and precisely how much we owe. You and I both know that some people won’t apply. That money then defaults to the State. Remember, the State already has a surplus so please, apply. Consider it a civic duty to get some of your money back so that you can direct how it is spent rather than allow other people to make those decisions for you. Please don’t wait, claims for the rebate must be filed by October 1, 2024.
The information you need can be found at GETMYREBATE.MT.GOV. You can call (406) 444-6900 for a paper rebate request form.
In the letter I received, the State recommends that you file the claim online as doing so will allow your rebate to be processed within 30 days. In that same letter was a QR code that will help you to apply for your rebate.
Representative Lee Deming HD 55