Dear Editor,
On the World Front: Let’s start with Trump vrs. Biden and Ukraine. It’s my opinion that if had Trump been re-elected as President, Putin may very well NOT have invaded Ukraine. BUT, also, the response of the US would have been very different and we very well have already seen the beginning of World War III. On the other hand, considering the bungled mess and weak leadership of President Biden in Afghanistan, opened the door for Putin to invade – the opportunity was now or never! The result we’re now seeing in Ukraine is horrendous.
Also, it is long been the Military policy/approach to NOT tell your advisories what options are not on the table. When President Biden says we will NOT directly confront the Russian Army did just that, which one could argue that was another factor of the invasion. Sanctions? Huh!
On the domestic front, consider all that has changed since President Biden took over the helm.
First, he shut down the Key Stone Pipeline. Now he claims since it will take two years to get it back on line and shipping oil, that’s not a solution to him. It would have been had he not shut it down 14 months ago not to mention implementing a “warped speed approach” and open it up.
No effort to control the Southern Border, allowing undocumented “anybody” into the US, whether they were legitimate, drug dealers, and yes, I would submit to anyone, a significant number of terrorists who now reside within the United States and who knows their intent?
I’m a Conservative, yet I watched the entire State of the Union earlier this week. President Biden demonstrated that he is NOT a Leader. After his opening remarks about Putin and the invasion of Ukraine, (Tough Talk ), he spent the next 50 minutes boasting about how great life is in the United States, taking credit for anything his staff could come up with on his teleprompter, whether he had directly had an impact, or in most cases, it just happened under his watch. Either way, he claimed his policies are working. Add in the VP Harris factor, really makes us wonder how in the heck 30 % of the polls like the job these two are doing? Really??
Leadership: I truly believe that because the polls are so low for President Biden, that he is “fighting the polls” when making his decisions, rather than “fighting the enemy”. The unwillingness of a leader to admit, “I WAS WRONG”, or considering things have changed and “MAKE ADJUSTMENT or CORRECTIONS”, does not speak well for President Biden. He can’t even shut off the il we purchase from Russia while the citizens of Ukraine are dying, living in fear, and running for their lives. Doesn’t really matter if my opinions are right or wrong; however, as Leaders of the United States, if/when their decisions are wrong, they don’t personally pay a price (only their legacy), but we the people do and will pay a price!! Oh, but President Biden assured us “we’ll be OK”, we’ll be OK”???????
Edward O. Hoem
Billings, MT