Dear Editor, 

The March 16th article, “Shepherd Group Sets the Record Straight,” by Elisa Schlosser does NOT set the record straight! The article states, the school is at 120% capacity, but in earlier statements it’s 110% (see flier by Shepherd Community Education Committee). Then at the March 20th Meeting Jeff Kanning, Architect, said it’s 105%.  (school capacity 790 students, currently 814)  Instead of putting Kindergarten students into a temporary space Carter chose to cram them into the “already at capacity” elementary.  Disrupting all of the 1st thru 5th graders as well.  Not just this year, but until a new school can be constructed.  Imagine a kindergarten teacher trying to teach children, easily distracted, in the hallways of an overcrowded school.  What about fire code? 

Shepherd is Not experiencing unprecedented growth.  The class sizes, based on graduating classes, have not changed much in over 20 years; they fluctuate between 55 and 75.  With 67 in 2017 and 58 in 2018.  A study the school paid for cost $30,000, it said school growth in Shepherd would remain flat for the next 20 years.  Yes, there are larger classes in the lower grade levels, there always have been, it’s nothing new. 

Sports … Architect Jeff Kanning was asked, “What percentage of this bond is sports related?” His answer, “Zero.”  That’s a lie!  5190 square foot proposed addition for a weight/cardio space.  At the astronomical price of $1.1 million, (5190 X $220). How big is 5190 sq ft? You could fit 2.8 of the Shepherd Community Center Buildings inside the new weight room.  The Shepherd Community Center is a repurposed two-classroom unit purchased from Elysian School.  At the March 13, Shepherd Seniors Lunch, Kanning, stated that the Weight/Cardio space was 4300 sq ft.  At the March 20 Meeting, he stated the space was 3400 sq ft.  It is clearly marked on my copy of the plans 5190 sq ft. Increasing the lunchroom size to accommodate a full basketball court with a higher ceiling comes at an added cost.  According to National Standards a cafeteria should be 11 sq ft per student. Kanning claims that the 6400 sq ft is for 350 students, 18 sq ft per student plus added gym height.  

Anyone who speaks against the new bond are accused and bullied for not caring about the children.  That’s a lie! We do care about the kids and that is why we’re upset.   Shepherd doesn’t have a large business base.  Places like Lockwood, Roundup and Red Lodge, have large commercial bases to pay for fancy upgrades.  Citizens in the Shepherd School district have always voted yes for “Needs.”  The citizens, however, are not rich and cannot afford exorbanite amounts for extra “Wants.”

Shepherd voters would approve a bond for the needs not wants.  How about a proposal with more STEM and Vocational studies.  Not every child is destined for college, and fewer yet athletic scholarships.  Are we building for education or for athletic improvement?  I encourage everyone to VOTE NO! We need education first!

Carol Reimann 


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