Russ Fagg called me and asked

Dear Editor:

A few days after the Ides of March, Russ Fagg called me and asked me if I would stop hammering him in my letters to the editor. At the suggestion of Mr. Fagg, , . First, I would like people to understand that I am not in anyway biased against multi-millionaires, even those  running for office. I even represented a doctor who the state of California was suing in a civil action. His house alone was worth over $14 million over 25 years ago.

I actually readily identify with Dr. Al Olsezeski in many ways. My father was a blue-collar type person. He proudly identified himself as a dirt farmer. I grew up on the Herbert ranch in the southern Salinas Valley of California. This was the area John Steinbeck referred to as East of Eden. My family grew a variety of crops and had some Hereford cattle. Dr. Olszewski’s family were  both farmers and miners in Montana.

After flying in combat in Vietnam, I was given a medical scholarship from the military to obtain my medical degree. Dr. Olsezeski used the same type of scholarship many years later. He served as both a flight surgeon and orthopedic surgeon for 10 years of active duty in the United States Air Force. Dr. Olszewski and I agree that the rights granted to the criminal trial jury, as outlined in the Sixth Amendment, are those intended by our founders. That is, this jury can judge both the law and the facts. In other words, he really does believe in liberty and justice for all. I hope Mr. Fagg considers this positive enough. I also hope people understand why I am supporting Dr. Al Olszeski for U.S. Senate.


Dr. W. David Herbert ESQ


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