Daily Archives: September 23, 2024

Only problem, there wasn’t a word of truth to anything Crisp wrote.

Dear Editor,

David Crisp wrote a scathing article about Donald Trump.  Only problem there wasn’t a word of truth to anything Crisp wrote.  We know Tester & Kamala are world class liars and now Crisp has demonstrated he is part of the club.  I won’t attempt to correct all the lies and inuendoes Crisp laid out there as all have been clarified or corrected in other media and courts-even the Lame Stream Media is now admitting the vitriol against Trump is manufactured, and it is time to put it to rest!

I’m sure this isn’t news to anyone, but Kamala was unable to pass the bar exam. She found out Willie Brown (the most powerful politician in California at the time) was looking for a sex kitten.  Kamala spent the next several years at Willie’s beck and call anytime he desired sex.  Although wholly unqualified Willie made sure Kamala was elected San Francisco’s District Attorney.  Look up her record it is pretty dismal.  Then as the sex favors continued, Willie got Kamala elected to an even higher office for which she has no qualification – US Senator from California.  Look up her record, while in the Senate she voted farther left than Bernie Sanders.  Who would have ever thought read more