Monthly Archives: September 2024

Tester Cast Tiebreaking Vote for Debt Relief Program that Excluded White Farmers

In a recent advertisement from the Senate Leadership Fund, Senator Jon Tester was called out for supporting a farmer relief program that excluded white farmers and ranchers.

In the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, a measure was added to provide debt relief for farmers and ranchers up to 120% of their outstanding loans to alleviate the financial burden caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this program excluded white farmers and ranchers, reserving the loan forgiveness solely for the “socially disadvantaged”. Senator Tester was not just the tiebreaking vote in passing the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, but also the tiebreaking vote in striking down an amendment in the Senate to read more

Worden/Ballantine Water and Sewer Votes to Move Forward with Raising Base Rates

Due to increased operating costs and the unexpected cost of repairs due to “flushable wipes,” the Worden/Ballantine Water and Sewer District voted to move forward with a base rate increase at their monthly meeting on Monday, September 9. The rate … read more

Engineers, Consolidation, Policies Top Heights Water District Agenda

The Board for the County Water District in the Heights dealt with numerous issues dealing with policies and operations at a business work session on September 4. The water district needs a plan to deal with the district- wide maintenance … read more

Let’s Call it for What it is, Straight-Up Propaganda and Fake News

Folks I want to address a supposed “newspaper” and self-described news media entity called the Montana Independent. This “newspaper” is being sent to more than 150,000 Montanans from an out-of-state organization called the American Independent that has ties to a … read more

Farewell to a Billings Institution, Billings Times Prints Final Newspaper

by Ed Kemmick, (republished with permission) As of today, you can add one more name to the list of roughly 2,500 American newspapers that have folded in the past 20 years. As Publisher Scott Turner announced today on Page 1 … read more