Daily Archives: August 21, 2024

“Show Strength and Use Common Sense”: Tim Sheehy Visits YCN & Makes His Case to Be Montana’s U.S. Senator

US Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy poses in front of the Yellowstone County News office and sign after taking the time to be interviewed on Wedneday August 14th, 2024. (Even Hood photo)

Last Thursday, August 15, United States Senate candidate Tim Sheehy came to the Yellowstone County News office for a quick interview. He discussed current polling numbers, why he entered the race, why he stands out, and his experience as a veteran and business owner.

Q- Jon Tester has won three statewide elections as a Democrat in Montana despite the state going to Trump by 16 and 20 points. Recent polling has you up by 2%. Can you speak to your level of confidence that the trajectory of the election is going your way and address how you differ from Tester’s previous Republican opponents?

A- The trendline of the election has only gone in one direction. I’m a first-time candidate; I’ve never run for anything at all, so it was to be expected that I was going to start behind, which we did by a lot. But now, obviously, we’ve been ahead consistently in every poll for six months, so there hasn’t been a poll showing us behind since March. If it was an aberration that would be one thing, but it’s been a consistent trendline, and I think what that shows is that our grassroots strategy is working. [Tester] obviously has boatloads more cash than we do, he’s outspent us, pick your month, three to one, five to read more