Monthly Archives: August 2024

Risks of Fire to be Mitigated by Power Shut-offs Says NWE

As events in states like California and Hawaii have proven, nature often generates conditions that pose high risks of power lines igniting fires. NorthWestern Energy is in the process of developing strategies that will mitigate those risks, and last Monday, Jordan McNaught and Lisa Perry on behalf of NorthWestern Energy, visited with County Commissioners to inform them about their efforts.

NorthWestern Energy has established a department specifically to monitor conditions across the state at all times, in order to be prepared when high winds and drought conditions prevail in any given areas. And, when extreme weather conditions threaten safe operations, they will shut power off so a line going down won’t start a fire, explained Perry.

McNaught explained that an area in which power might be shut off could be small or large depending on conditions. Advance inspections and assessments of areas regarding vegetation, forestation, access and other situations will help identify higher risk situations. For example, Emerald Hills in Lockwood is an area which has greater vulnerability in Yellowstone County. Other areas that are especially vulnerable exist in Carbon County and along the Beartooth Front.

McNaught said that much like the Forest Service does in posting fire risk levels, NorthWestern Energy will assess and read more

Water Board Grants 4.95% Wage Increase, Report says Water Sales Up, Expenses Down

The numbers show that the County Water District in the Heights is doing well, according to the District Manager, Bo Andersson, at the district’s monthly meeting. At the Wednesday evening meeting the board also approved a wage increase for district … read more

Rough Bridge Requires Band-Aids Until Scheduled Replacement

Community members lament the aging Huntley/Shepherd bridge repairs, with many wondering if the cracks were better than the repairs.  Walt Houghton, Maintenance Chief of DOT Billings Division, has communicated that repair options are limited, and they are attempting stave off … read more

Another County Seizes Stolen Property in Shepherd

Carbon County adds itself to the list of counties seizing stolen items from a property out in Shepherd. On Monday, Carbon County detective Ben Mahoney with the assistance of Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) conducted a search warrant and seized … read more