Daily Archives: June 9, 2018

American Concrete to install Old Hardin Road sidewalk

Originally published in the 6/8/17 print edition of Yellowstone County News.

LOCKWOOD — The Lockwood Pedestrian Safety District has awarded the project to build a sidewalk on Old Hardin Road to American Concrete, which had the lowest bid of $288,848.20, of five bids received for the project.

The project involves the construction of 4000 lineal feet of a six-foot wide concrete sidewalk, which includes installing a drain culvert, highway striping/signing and media modifications, and associated earthwork.

The county is also issuing, this week, a request for proposal for a carnival operator for MontanaFair, for a five-year period, beginning in 2019.

Deadline for proposals is July 16.

The proposals are for equipment for a fully operational carnival, including the latest and most popular midway rides, food and beverage concessions, ticket booths, generators, and a fully trained staff experienced in management, safety, public relations and promotions.

Thomas Carnival has provided carnival services at Montana Fair for almost 40 years, and they could very well continue to be the provider, but the county is required by law to periodically open up their contract to other bidders.

Also, in the realm of county contracts, County Commissioners last week awarded the contract to design the fourth floor of the courthouse for courtrooms and offices to CTA.