2018 Huntley Christmas Stroll Winners

2018 Huntley Christmas Stroll winners

Here is a list of all the 2018 Huntley Christmas Stroll winners. Please pick up your prizes at the Yellowstone County News office or call Jonathan at 406-672-5941 to pick up after hours if needed. Congrats to the winners and thank you to all the businesses and local people who donated to make the Huntley Christmas Stroll a Success.

A special Thank you also goes out to Andrea Drinkwalter and Becky Robison for all their help with the Huntley Christmas Stroll.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas Season from Yellowstone County News.


$100 Huntley Bucks – Camilo Nantes, Billings

$75 Huntley Bucks – Linda Holmes, Ballantine

$50 Huntley Bucks – Francee Shaules, Ballantine

$50 Huntley Bucks – Eugene Schlosser, Shepherd

$25 Huntley Bucks – Lindsey Oblander, Huntley

$25 Huntley Bucks – Sharon VanDyke, Huntley

$25 Huntley Bucks – Jason Erfle, Billings

$50 Gift Card from Pryor Creek Golf Course – Tanner Grayson, Billings

$50 Gift Certificate to R & R Trading – Kae McCloy, Pompey’s Pillar

$50 Gift Certificate to R & R Hardware – Rosie Cleveland, Ballantine

Keurig Coffee gift basket donated by YVEC – Cathie Schoer, Shepherd

Smoke Detector donated by Worden Fire Department – Harold Klundt, Huntley

1 Yr Subscription to Yellowstone County News – Karma Harris, Huntley

Nemont Gift basket donated by Nemont – Jan Cooney, Shepherd

2 handmade ornaments donated by Huntley United Methodist Church – Gilbert Croft, Ballantine,

Blue Cat Bar & Grill Swap Basket – Victoria Dooley, Huntley,

Vivitar Overhead Drone donated by Yellowstone County News – Frank Kruse, Huntley,

$25 Target Gift Card donate by Toogood Tree Service – Adrianne Baker, Billings

$20 Gift card donated by RaRa’s Pizzeria – Don McKenzie, Worden

Lunch for 2 donated by Cowboys Bar & Restaurant, Kim Osktrowski, Billings

$20 Gift Certificate to Pryor Creek Café & Grill – Donna Bosch, Huntley

$25 Gift Card to Son Rise Espresso – Jonathan Dill, Billings

Gift basket donated by Huntley Project Museum – Oscar Cantu, Ballantine

Gift basket donated by Style~N~406 – Dave Francis, Shepherd


2018 Gingerbread Contest Winners

People’s Choice open class: Gladys Whitman and grandchildren’ castle.

PC 12 & under: Erin Garner’s Christmas by the Sea.


Judge’s choice open class:

Stephanie Johnson’s Santa’s Garage.


Judge’ choice 12& under:

Bailey O’Donnell – reindeer hoof prints on roof.

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