Medicare and Tricare
Dear Editor: Because I spent over 20 years in the military, I am covered by Tricare health insurance, as is my wife. Because I am also over 65 years old, I am also covered by Medicare. My Tricare health coverage … read more
Dear Editor: Because I spent over 20 years in the military, I am covered by Tricare health insurance, as is my wife. Because I am also over 65 years old, I am also covered by Medicare. My Tricare health coverage … read more
Dear Editor: I believe a key question to ask any judicial candidate is whether man’s law is superior to God’s law. I argue that the concept of the separation of church and state as discussed by Jefferson and not expressly … read more
Dear Editor: In 1957, I began the ninth grade in a Catholic boarding school in California. The school was run by a group of priests and brothers whose religious order had originated in Italy. I remember Father Felix was my … read more
Dear Editor: A few weeks ago I saw a political ad put on by Jon Testor which featured a number of veterans who support him for reelection. As someone who flew in combat in Vietnam, I understand that some veterans … read more
Dear Editor: I entered law school in 1983 when I was 40 years old and a number of years after I had received my medical degree. I chose to attend the University of the Pacific law school in Sacramento, California, … read more
Dear Editor: Yesterday, May 24, 2018, Russ Fagg called me about a letter to the editor I wrote about him violating the code of judicial conduct. I actually told him I would not write any more letters to the editor … read more
Dear Editor: In law we have the “reasonable person” test. Any reasonable person watching the political ads put on by Troy Downing would rightly assume that he had been both a helicopter and jet pilot in the United States Air … read more
Dear Editor: As one who flew fighter aircraft for the Air Force in Vietnam I am confused about the political ads Troy Downing has been putting out. He says he was a helicopter pilot and was some type of jet … read more
Dear Editor: I suggest that Russ Fagg review the U.S. V. Dougherty case; the cite is 473/F2d/1113. Among other things, this case held that a criminal trial court jury has the right to engage in jury nullification. It also says … read more
Dear Editor: When I ran for the Montana Supreme Court in 2014, my opponent was Jim Rice, the incumbent. He knew that I supported the rights of juries to protect their fellow citizens from government over reach by not enforcing … read more