Read up on Chinese Communist Party

Dear Editor,

It’s been awhile since I have not felt the need to submit a letter even though the Democrats have chosen to turn this world upside down in their unbridled quest for pure lust for greed and power in an effort to displace our duly elected President, who despite ALL odds, has excelled at what the American people elected him to do.

He’s fighting not only the Socialist Marxist Democrat Party but their communications division, once called the Media but a portion of the once Republican party. Despite all that, he exceeded all expectations despite not being a politician!  He out performed, and embarrassed, life-long career criminal enterprises such as the Clinton Crime family, now Biden criminal crime family, 30+ years each of the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine (the idio) Waters and the rest of Washington DC swamp.  

As for the books your illustrious writer plans on sitting down and reading, I would suggest a better use of time would be the funny paper section of the absolutely worthless Billings Gazoo. No one even talks about the Bolton book – nothing in their worth repeating! As for Mary, a bitter black sheep of the family trying to make a shameless buck off her “family” by trashing for cash.  As for what President Trump’s net worth is? Who cares? Carl, have you now become clairvoyant as well? President Trump is probably the only politician in history to gone down in net worth while in office. The Left has boycotted his properties, something Conservatives do not promote – we never boycotted the Kennedy family criminal enterprise of illegal bootleg Scotch whiskey! Unlike Mr. Tester, our village idiot turned Socialist Marxist puppet for Schumer, who has made millions while feeding at the public trough (clearly, he hasn’t found the salad bar section of the all-you-can-eat Buffet). 

In closing, maybe Carl should READ about the Chinese Communist Party and the 10’s of millions of its citizens it has murdered and jailed. And its latest spy weapon – TIKTOK. I would not recommend anyone use this program (kids or adults) unless you want the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to have it. Apparently, we can now add one new title to Carl’s list of accomplishments:  Spy agent and program director for CCP!

Go Trump – 4 more years!

Dave Malek

Billings, Montana

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