Dear Editor,
It has been some time now that I have wanted to weigh in on the “Outdoors” issue. However, I had trouble putting my finger on what was bothering me. Mr. Jose Bustos’ s letter in the January 18, 2019 issue helped clarify for me. As a side note, our entire family would like to see Mr. Bustos as a regular contributor to the paper.
We purchase the paper because it is local, weekly, and informative to issues pertaining to our life in Montana. As John Adams shared: “Facts are stubborn things.” The facts untainted by opinion is what we want as a thinking people who can determine for ourselves what those facts application and impact are in our lives. Another famous man, my Father, who was probably quoting some else said: “Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them and them all stink!” We do not subscribe to the National Enquirer, because we do not want gossip, slander, libel nor hearsay to be our diet of information. If the issue of unfettered opinion is unaddressed, the fine newspaper that Yellowstone County News has become is endangered of going the way of any other useless form of indoctrination.
Ultimately, we want carefully researched truth, facts, and unbiased information. It is disingenuous and cowardly to sneak in the back door under the guise of one purpose only to fulfill another purpose. If you want that clarified: Mr. Wolf should be held to the standard that all the rest of the subscribers have. His job is to delightfully enrich our lives with his vast wealth of information concerning the out of doors and the wildlife that he knows so well, as I understand it. If he has opinions that he wants to air, it should be in a letter to the editor, just as I am now doing.
We have precious liberties that should not be abused. We should not attack or abuse our freedom of speech or press by wrongly applying that freedom. Thank you for the gracious opportunity you extend to us by allowing us to interact within your forum.
Robin L. Scheidler
Ballantine, MT