Disdain for Tester’s un-Americanism

Dear Editor, 

In regard to Comrade George Blackard’s letter to the editor on 1/25/19, I support you, Sir.  I, too, have that disdain for Jon Tester, and I believe your readers can feel it in your commentary, and George, you have the right to feel that way.  He never served, in the military nor as a law officer representing his state or community.  He will not go onto Aaron Flint’s morning radio show, nor will he attend any of the American Legion meetings he has been invited to, yet he claims to do all that he can for the Veteran.  He, like all liberal Democrats, is afraid of the truth.  It is very hard for me to put the (Honored) title Senator before his name.  What the small majority of Montanans see in this inutile, prestige seeking, money hungry politician is no doubt the 8th wonder of Montana.  Of the three persons representing Montana in Washington, Jon Tester is no doubt 1/3 of the delegation that is overpaid and underused.  A gift for Montana will be his resignation from the Senate.

Jose Bustos,


Yellowstone County’s needs be over the next five to eight years

by Evelyn Pyburn

During mid-year budget review on Tuesday, Director of Finance Kevan Bryan asked county commissioners to reflect on that question before the mid-summer’s fiscal year budget hearings. The key to successfully managing the county’s budget, said Bryan, is the flexibility that long-term planning brings. “The role of the Finance Office is to make available as many options as possible to the board in making their decisions.” read more

Ramblings – Dead after 243 years

by Krayton Kerns 

Few under-forty folks faithfully follow the obituary column because youngsters are blind to their mortality.  Afterall, death only afflicts the worn and wrinkled, does it not?  The decades pass with little notice until the morning a 50-year old spots stray gray hairs sprouting from the crest of their ears.  Suddenly, the pale and pasty man in the mirror has crossed life’s hump to enter his sunset years.  read more

Fake or not; counterfeit money found locally

by Jonathan McNiven

The back side of this fake bill has red Chinese characters on the left-hand side of the bill. All the bills displayed the same serial number, another sign that they are counterfeit.
(Photo by Jonathan McNiven)

Two $100 bills “lie” next to each other at JJ’s Hair Fashion in Worden. One is real and the other is fake. Can you tell the difference? Find the answer to this question on page 11 of this week’s edition.
(photo by Jonathan McNiven)

Counterfeit money and concerns are raising eyebrows as more and more Worden businesses and individuals report instances to the Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office due to similar-looking $100 bills that are appearing around town, outside of businesses and even on the street. 

Two weeks ago, Debbie Corman, bartender at Miller’s Dark horse & Saloon found a $100 bill laying on the street early in the morning that looked exactly like a $100 bill read more

Roe vs. Wade: real losses are staggering

Dear Editor, 

January 22nd, 2019 marks 46 years since the United States Supreme Court’s decision of Roe vs. Wade. In that time, more than 60,000,000 unborn babies have been aborted. 60 million. That number is so staggering that my mind fails to comprehend it. I am taking a moment to remember those innocent lives, but also to speak out against abortion. read more

One Big Sky District funding clarified

Dear Editor, 

I appreciate the opportunity to offer a response and clear up some inaccuracies from the January 18th One Big Sky District (OBSD) article. 

ONE Big Sky District is the most significant project our community or state has ever undertaken. Complex projects create questions and I’d like to clarify some important points:  read more

Dear Editor, 

I read the recent article by Crystal Murdock, “Stockman Bank steps up after Government Shutdown,” in the January 11, 2019 YCN, page 1. I’d have to agree with Jon Tester in the last paragraph of the article.  Ms. Murdock writes that Jon Tester announced he believes the withholding of pay was just a gimmick. According to our Montana Senator, Jon Tester, Democrats do want border security.  Last year (2017), $21 billion was appropriated for border security.  In 2018 it was $21 1/2 billion. read more

McNiven’s Meanderings takes flight (with popcorn and flowers)

Well, folks; did you see all the letters to the editor we had this week in the paper?  Did you know the number of letters to the editor show the vibrancy of a newspaper?  Either we are getting more attention or our reporting is getting worse.  I’ll let you be the judge but I thought they were good letters sent to us, (or I wouldn’t have allowed them in the paper). read more

I received my radio call sign in 1958

Dear Editor,

I received my call sign KN6LIW on January 1958. I have been a licensed amateur radio operator since then. I was pleasantly surprised to read your article informing the public about amateur radio and how they can get involved in this fascinating and useful hobby. I credit my experience  in this hobby as being instrumental in helping me becoming interested in math and science at a young age.  read more