Well folks, we have finally gotten to a place that we can announce our 1st big announcement: WE HAVE DOUBLED OUR CIRCULATION! Yes, that’s right. We have double the amount of newspapers that are being circulated in Yellowstone County!
Do you remember four years ago in October 2014 when it was announced that the newspaper was sold? I remember when Becky Robison, former publisher of the newspaper for 20 years, came to me asking if I was going to buy her newspaper which I said I don’t have time. After three years, she convinced me that I was the right guy to take “her baby” and carry it to the next level. She cared enough for the future success of the Yellowstone County News that she offered support in the transition because she wanted it to succeed and wanted us to succeed. Well, I can assure you that Becky has done her part in supporting the transition. Since the initial transition, it’s been on us to try to take it to the next level.
Becky gave me some direction and advice in things that she would do with this paper. Some we have done already and we are still working on the other goals she recommended. We’ll announce those future changes at the right time.
Because of the increase of circulation, we have divided our delivery route in two. In fact, I’m already starting to think we might need three delivery routes. However, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.
This is what I hope to accomplish in this column! First, what this increase means for our readers, advertisers, and supporters. Secondly, I’ll explain our focus, and third is how you can help our cause.
First, as we are a hyper-local newspaper covering the fiscal issues in Yellowstone County that affect you, the reader, we will keep it local as we are doing. If the story or article does not have to do with Yellowstone County, then it won’t be in our newspaper. If it is statewide or national news information, then you can get that somewhere else. We want to find the human element of each story that connects the reader to this community, local events, news and/or activities whether it be through the local schools, organizations and/or individuals. Hence the name Yellowstone County News. read more