Shooting Victim’s Mother Asks for Help after Large Huntley Party

A concerned mother is asking for the public’s help in locating the gunman from a large party that took place near the Pryor Creek Golf Course Saturday night that resulted in her 20-year-old daughter being shot.  Tammy Zwetzig, of Columbus, told the Yellowstone County News that they are asking for the public’s help in locating and “catch this guy” who discharged 10 rounds of a 9mm gun at the party at the location of RipRap Road. “Who takes a gun to a party?” she asked, “Especially with that many people?” read more

O’Donnell made Shepherd Schools’ Superintendent

Drea O’Donnell has been selected to fill the Superintendent position at Shepherd Schools

Since the Shepherd School Board’s decision to terminate Superintendent Scott Carter in August, 2019, the school has been under the guidance of Interim Superintendent, Drea O’Donnell. She stepped into the midst of passing of two highly debated school bonds to finance upgrades and expansions to the school.  

After the Board of Trustees interviewed four candidates on February 17 and 18, the Shepherd School Board has announced they have offered a contract for the position of Superintendent of Shepherd Public Schools to Mrs. O’Donnell. 

O’Donnell was hired as a Shepherd Middle School Science Teacher in 2010 and worked in that capacity, until she acquired her administrative degree in May, 2017. She then began working for the school as Curriculum Director.

Since August, 2019   O’Donnell has continued her duties as Curriculum Director as well as filling in as Interim Superintendent. 

“I am very excited to move forward in being the new Superintendent for Shepherd Schools!  I am committed to the achievement of creating a mission and vision that is rooted in a strategic plan that will be carefully developed with all stakeholders,” says O’Donnell, who will continue to act as Curriculum Direction as well as Superintendent.  “Some of my goals while I am Superintendent address academic growth, design of a new space that has safety as a priority and to improve staff support and professional development to retain highly qualified teachers.”  “I also believe wholeheartedly in having true collaboration and communication to strengthen our relationship with the community.” 

Her contract as Superintendent of Shepherd School officially begins in July, 2020.

Pay and benefits should equal abilities and ambitions?

Dear Editor,

Lauris Byxbe inquired “what is the definition of great and for whom?”

This should help.  Our US Constitution guarantees each of us freedom.  Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of opportunity, freedom to own property, freedom to succeed or fail, freedom to earn and spend our money as we see fit and also freedom from government meddling. read more

Local World War II heroes Medicine Crow and Steele honored at Veteran Clinic

Montana U.S. Senators Jon Tester, and Steve Daines joined U.S. Representative Greg Gianforte and guests of honor at the renaming of the Billings Veteran Clinic. (courtesy photo.)

“It’s a good day,” began Crow Tribe Vice Chairman Carlson Goes Ahead in opening the ceremony on Tuesday that commemorated the renaming of the Billings Veteran Clinic at 1766 Majestic Street in honor of two World War II heroes.  read more

No more Grandstanding at MetraPark

The MetraPark Grandstands. (Photo by Jonathan McNiven)

The Grandstands at Metra Park are most likely going to be torn down. The matter has been placed on next Monday’s discussion agenda by County Commissioners, after receiving estimates from CTA that rebuilding the grandstands would cost as much as $22 million. Commissioners are likely to issue a request for proposal (RFP), this coming week, to tear them down, explained John Ostlund. read more

State pension dilemma causing headaches for Montana legislature

Six state legislators – three Republicans and three Democrats – have formed a coalition to address the looming problem of funding the state’s retirement funds for public employees. Five of those legislators were in Billings last week to gather input from city, school and county officials regarding the problems that surround the issue and to hopefully gather support to motivate other political factions to take the matter seriously. read more