Homesteader Days is a Go!

The coronavirus pandemic has closed hundreds of businesses and events across the country. However, the popular Homesteader Days, hosted by the Huntley Project Lion’s Club, is moving forward, to the delight of the locals. The event coordinator, Bethany Hein commented, “Our goal is to provide another great event with social responsibility and safety for all at the forefront of our planning. Personal accountability for all parties is important for us to have a successful event.” read more

Obituary: Linda Burns

Linda Burns

Linda Burns, 77 of Billings, formerly Ballantine, passed away Friday, July 3, 2020 at Edgewood Vista.

Linda was born September 19, 1943 in Great Falls, MT to Aloysious and Olva Biallas. They later moved to Billings where she graduated from Billings Senior.

She worked as a secretary for read more

McNiven’s Meanderings: A Patriotic Salute

Jonathan McNiven

Well, folks, time is flying and so are the flags. it will be Independence Day this weekend and a time to celebrate the 4th of July.  I’ve really been thinking a lot about our freedoms, our US Flag (and what it represents) and how blessed we, as a country, are to live here and be able to exercise our freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to petition our government along with many other freedoms while living in the best country in the world.  I also know that the freedom I enjoy today did not come without a cost by those who came before me. read more

“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”

Dear Editor,

In the course of human events, on July 4, 1776, 244 years ago, Americans set out to form a new government. In the process of instituting this new government the founders of our country placed restrictions on politicians and government. They declared that no authority or politician has the power to make laws restricting religion, speech, press, or assembly. read more

MontanaFair to procced without Rodeo, Supercross & Concerts

Updates on the progress for planning for Montana Fair were announced at the end of last week by Manager Bill Dutcher. Fair organizers are attempting to produce the event in compliance with Health Department protocols for social distancing and hygiene practices that will minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.

Dutcher stated that as the biggest annual event in Montana,MontanaFair has been adapting, changing, and working hard to provide an Open and Safe fair in 2020.  Physical distancing guidelines and capacity restrictions have required a lot of changes to this year’s event. 

Physical changes at MetraPark are having a large impact on the way MontanaFair can operate, he explained.  The impending removal of the Grandstands for safety reasons is the largest change.  The Grandstands removal process will be halted and the work area fenced for MontanaFair.

When the removal decision was made, MontanaFair planned to move all Grandstand based night show entertainment—rodeos and Supercross—into First Interstate Arena. The pandemic put those plans on hold as 4-H and FFA livestock needed additional physically distanced space for their program.  Putting animals in the arena removed any opportunity for these popular shows.

All major concerts, rodeo, and supercross are now officially canceled for 2020. Advance ValuPass ticket holders will have options to refund or roll over their tickets to another option beginning June 22.

MontanaFair is scheduled to begin August 7.

Shepherd School Getting Face Lift

Built in 1911, the kindergarten building has served Shepherd School faithfully for generations, until two years ago when it was found to have a mold infestation. Since that discovery the building has not been able to be used, and had to be torn down. (Courtesy photo: Drea O’Donnell)

Shepherd School is being revamped via a large multiphase construction project that has been long overdue.  The project encompasses many renovations; however, one can expect to see some large changes and additions that will help both staff and students once they’re completed. read more

6th Avenue Underpass Upgrade Planned for 2022

The design for the improvement planned in 2022 for the Underpass Avenue at 6th, Central and State Avenue in Billings, is complete. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) announced that the newly-designed project incorporates new traffic signals, storm drain, lighting, improved pedestrian facilities, and upgraded signing to enhance these intersections, promote accessibility and improve safety.  read more