Downing Plagued by Gotcha Gambit

One thing that can be said about politics – it’s a gotcha game. Far more so than an arena of ideas, policies, or intellectual differences, it’s about finding a misstep, mistake or misquote that can be used and twisted to malign an opponent and avoid the effort of addressing issues or defending ideas. It’s done by politicians of every stripe because it works. read more

Dig it Days 2020 Cancelled

After an exciting inaugural event last August, the goal of organizers this year was to make Dig It Days bigger and better, so it is with great dismay that Yellowstone Family and Dig it Days sponsors and volunteers, have decided it is best to cancel the event this year because of the uncertainties associated with the COVID-19 virus. read more

Gavilon Grain Elevator To Move From Billings to Huntley

The Billings Gavilon Grain elevator and business will be moving their location from Billings to Huntley once their new location is completed by 2021. Here, a semi truck load of grain sits on the scale at the Billings Gavilon Grain Elevator at 3815 1st Avenue South before being unloaded. The Billings Gavilon Grain elevator mainly stores and uses red hard winter and spring wheat. (Jonathan McNiven Photo)

Gavilon Grain LLC is moving locations from their current site in Billings out towards Huntley. “The current location has run its shelf life,” stated the Gavilon Marketing and Communications Manager, Patrick Burke. The main goal for the move was not only to make the process for the farmers and truckers more accessible and efficient, but also to have better access to the railway system. read more

Rugby Resurfaces in Billings

Rugby is returning to Billings, and it has been aided by the helping hands of a long-time local who built training and exercise equipment for the new teams. There are two age groups participating in Billings’ re-emerging sport. There is a bracket for younger kids, ages 4-10, which meets for practice in Rose Park on Wednesday evenings, and a bracket for older kids, ages 11-14, which meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. read more

Read up on Chinese Communist Party

Dear Editor,

It’s been awhile since I have not felt the need to submit a letter even though the Democrats have chosen to turn this world upside down in their unbridled quest for pure lust for greed and power in an effort to displace our duly elected President, who despite ALL odds, has excelled at what the American people elected him to do. read more

COVID Shutdown: Cost vs. Safety

Dear Editor,

Montana and South Dakota have similar populations – Montana, slightly more than a million; South Dakota almost 900,000.  The states have similar economies, largely agricultural; and similar climates – cold in winter, warm in summer.  A significant difference is the politics of their governors.  Montana has a Democrat, Steve Bullock.  South Dakota has a Republican, Kristi Noem.   read more

Fair Looking Bare; Where is Everyone?

With only some 1000 people attending the carnival at Montana Fair on Friday there was plenty of room for social distancing.

With about a thousand people attending Montana Fair’s sneak- peak on Friday and over 1500 each day, Saturday and Sunday, Metra Park and fair officials were pleased with the first weekend of the 17 days of carnival and fair. Stretched out and scaled back Montana Fair is proceeding this year, making accommodations for concerns about COVID-19 and the need to wear masks and social distance. read more

Fire Destroys Newly Remodeled Huntley Home

Huntley family home burning down off Pryor Creek Road in the early hours of the morning. An electric fire started in the attic and spread rapidly through the densely-packed insulation, which made it impossible for emergency services to put it out in time. (Courtesy Photo by Holly Parks)

Emergency services were dispatched to a house fire off Pryor Creek Road early on the morning of July 23rd where a newly-remodeled home was engulfed in flames. Six inhabitants and two dogs were successfully evacuated, but the house was not able to be salvaged. read more

In November, Keep Your Eye on the Forest

Dear Editor,

I have known Bob Brown for years, and I even ran for Lieutenant Governor with him when he ran for Governor in 2004.  He is a good guy who is fun to sit and visit with.  But he has one failing, which probably comes from his growing up in the trees in Whitefish – being able to see the forest from the trees.

I was saddened to see his editorial announcing his withdrawal from the Republican Party and blasting Senator Daines and Congressman Gianforte for supporting President Trump.

There are forces at work that want us to become a socialist country.  Every night on television we see mobs destroying our history, destroying private property, and attacking our police and fire fighters.  This is classic revolutionary behavior.  

The acceptance, and even encouragement, of such behavior by read more

Put Bullock out to pasture.  Keep him out of the US Senate

Dear Editor,

Our economy wilts while Governor sits on $1 billion Covid 19 fund

Montana’s economy has wilted and withered since the so-called pandemic arrived in early March.  Our “wannabe president/wannabe senator/lame duck governor” has done little except bankrupt main street merchants.   

Revenues for state government are sinking.  As veteran state legislators and members of Senate Finance and Claims, this troubles us.  It appears that our state coffers are being drained so the next legislature will inherit serious red ink.  

President Trump, Sen. Steve Daines and Congressman Greg Gianforte sent $1.25 Billion to Montana through the Covid 19 Recovery Act.  Gov. Bullock decided to distribute only read more

Trump pushes back against Tester misleading comments regarding Montana Covid-19 claims

President Trump is taking issue with US Senator Jon Tester regarding statements he made in a press release, last Friday, diminishing the COVID-19 response by the federal government.

Sen. Tester implied that Montana is suffering a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the ability to test and contact trace, because of a lack of “federal leadership and coordination.” He urged President Trump “to implement a centralized purchasing and distribution system to better allocate resources and make sure health care workers have the tools they need to combat the virus.”

Senator Jon Tester made several misleading and false claims about the federal government’s response to COVID-19,” said John Horstman, White House Director of Media Affairs and Special Assistant to the President, on Tuesday.

Sen. Tester overlooked the assistance the federal government has made to Montana. Said Horstman, “Partnering with read more

Downing Plagued by Gotcha Gambit

 One thing that can be said about politics – it’s a gotcha game.

Far more so than an arena of ideas, policies, or intellectual differences, it’s about finding a misstep, mistake or misquote that can be used and twisted to malign an opponent and avoid the effort of addressing issues or defending ideas. It’s done by politicians of every stripe, because it works.

If Troy Downing didn’t know that before filing for political office, he sure did shortly thereafter. It took no time at all for someone to dig out an issue and for others to line up to begin calling him an “out- of –state poacher.”

Downing says he expects the issue to be drug out again, now that he is running for the office of State Auditor, and would like to explain his side before it becomes the subject of ten- second sound bites.

The charges were that Downing purchased read more