Dear Editor,
Recently, progressive socialist rhetoric, like those in Europe, have started to send this country into a tailspin causing the greatest division we have ever seen…not conservatives – PROGRESSIVE socialists. I am always amazed at the left decrying the name calling, negative coarseness of dialogue and then launching into a litany of name calling and negative sky is falling on everything. Their continual America is Bad rhetoric is what is tearing this country apart. Are we perfect? No, but we are a heck of a lot better than anything else. In every letter I write, I am careful to illustrate the comments, what they said and when and then how I oppose and express my views. I am responding to someone’s negative comments towards conservatives’ values while NEVER calling anyone names. I am merely expressing my views, my constitutional right (1st Amendment rights) – I would suggest the left get their hands on a copy and read it.
So, let’s review who is negative; Antifa (left wing organization) is beating up innocent reporters and bystanders, destroying property while wearing masks; only the left is calling conservatives Nazis, terrorists, bigots, racists (their name for everyone!), misogynists, homophobes just to name a few. Calling OUR President everything but white including attacking his 10-year-old son! Imagine conservatives attacking Obama’s kids like that – even subpoenaing Baron Trump, a 10-year-old, banking and checking accounts. Disgusting left wing tactics. Usually you have to go to a third world country to see this kind of governmental intimidation. I don’t even have time to get into the Mueller report, a two-year attempt to destroy a sitting president for the naked greed of power to overturn a duly elected President. This is okay in the left’s world. Then there are the left-wing groups like Black Lives Matter. They attack, beat up citizens (always conservatives) and destroy property, colleges, and even blocking emergency vehicles trying to get the injured to hospitals! with women wearing vajajas on their heads, Code Pink, OWS (remember those guys? Occupy Wall Street – they actually murdered people! So, Ms. Anderson, do not lecture me on disturbing examples of public discourse. You never hear of stories like these tied to Conservatives.
As to my beliefs, I do not care what you think of my beliefs. I am always astounded at the left progressive socialistic democrats insisting conservatives fall in line, lock, step, and kowtow to the left’s race to the bottom; late 4th term abortions, open borders, ignoring immigration laws, pot laws, voting, and gun laws.
For the first 250 years of this country, conservative Christian values built the greatest country in the world. People around the world are killing themselves trying to get to this great Nation – not Venezuela, which the left would like to have America become.
As part of the historic silent majority, I will not remain silent while the Bernie Sanders, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and other outside influences from radical Islamic communists try and tear this country apart.
Dave Malek
Kudos to Mr.Dave Malek for his courage to express what he see’s happening in OUR America. Being a “first-generation” born in America, we were taught protecting what America was founded upon is MORE important than any political party or special interest group. We have a Congress that is dysfunctional with members such as Tester, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Omar, Cortez constantly attacking our President, we have billionaire funded political organizations such as Open Society, ACLU, Planned Parenthood etc. the list goes on and on, attempting to obstruct the efforts of our President, we have Obama appointed Judges ruling opposite of any Executive Order concerning immigration the President issues to control ILLEGAL immigration. One thing this liberal progressive socialist portion of society has in common seems to be they share the same ideology and philosophy as the Democrat political party. Born a citizen of the United States is indeed a privilege, but one must become an American in heart, body, and soul, and protect America from the actions of the entities described in Mr. Malek,s and mine as well. God Bless America.