Don’t Blame Volunteers for Your Lack of Assistance
Dear Editor, I’m responding to the article written in your paper dated February 10, 2023 about the Worden Volunteer Fire Department. read more
Dear Editor, I’m responding to the article written in your paper dated February 10, 2023 about the Worden Volunteer Fire Department. read more
Dear Editor, Sixty Minutes first segment on television last night was regarding Ukraine, Putin as well as the people of Ukraine who refuse to leave. read more
Dear Editor, Apparently, somebody won something last week, because MEIC and other anti-coal groups are claiming a VICTORY! read more
Dear Editor, By now you should have at least a dozen complaints about cutting off a paragraph or three?? from Krayton Kerns letter. read more
Dear Editor, 8 Insofar as to the upcoming Big Sky Balloon Festival and the International Air Show, I would have to say China has already stolen the spotlight! read more
Dear Editor, Sometimes the placing of reading material is intended to be overlooked on purpose. read more
Dear Editor, It is nice to hear from Dave Rye in the letters to the editor. Part of education is to learn to read, another part is to read anything and everything with an open mind. read more
Dear Editor, Thank you for reading my letter. Blessings to my other readers. read more
Dear Editor, The Gift That Keeps On Giving, we’ve all heard that phrase. Biden is the Gaffe That Keeps On Gaffing. read more
Dear Editor, After eight years in the trenches at the PSC – battling not only entrenched utility interests but also “Republican” commissioners who frequently lost sight of free market principles and sound economics – I developed a pretty keen sense … read more
Dear Editor, Just a few comments to get off my chest. I am one of the many retired taxpayers that is sick and tired of the tax-and-spend politicians! We are taxed to our grave and beyond. I feel taxes should … read more
Dear Editor, Thank you for an informative paper and thank you for balanced opinions from David Crisp and Krayton Kerns. read more
Dear Editor, Thank you for covering the state legislature news. I’ve always found it quite fascinating, some of the things politicians come up with, on citizens’ behalf. My only wish is that you could include more articles on the happenings … read more
Dear Editor, Progressive columnist David Crisp’s latest column criticized Montana Senate Bill 99, requiring parental notification by school districts 48 hours before “providing human sexuality instruction.” He ridicules the parents who are concerned about what a freshly minted, purple-haired, 23-year-old … read more
Dear Editor, I grew up on a cattle ranch and farm in the Salinas Valley of California. For my tenth birthday my maternal grandmother who lived over 250 miles north of us presented me with a pony named Primo for … read more
Dear Editor, Although I am a conservative, or at least I used to think I was before my Republican Party became the Cult of Trump, I suppose the former newsman in me prevails in welcoming the relatively recent addition of … read more
Dear Editor, Dave Salys, I agree with you, Sir, on two points: that we need more cops to patrol our streets, and that the cell phone law doesn’t work. read more
Dear Editor, Today Senator Tester responded to my recent inquiry about DC statehood stating, “I believe it is wrong that thousands of active-duty service members and veterans don’t have real representation in Congress.” I believe it is important to put … read more
Dear Editor, I guess our favorite editor had to hire a liberal to write an opinion column so the YCN wouldn’t look biased. This Crisp fella with the funny hat is so far left, he is at risk of falling … read more
Dear Editor, The picture on the cover of the YCN tells a story. There are twenty-five people in the Yellowstone County delegation. How many people represent the counties of Carter, Fallon, Wibaux, McCone, Garfield and Prairie counties? I have my … read more