Bypass Corridor Study Envisions Heights Future

With the new road from the bridge across the Yellowstone River to Main Street/ Hwy. 312 proposed to be named Trailhead Road, the above is an engineer’s rendering of its intersection with Main Street as the road merges into Hwy. 87. The drawing depicts possible development along the corridor based upon what citizens during public hearings have said they would like to see developed in the area. Trailhead Road is on the right and intersects with Main Street and Hwy. 312 which runs from the bottom to the top of the picture.

by Evelyn Pyburn

The new road that will connect the new Yellowstone River Bridge to Main Street and Hwy. 312 is proposed to be called Trailhead Road.

The news comes with a report of what the roads will look like and what is likely to be developed around them. Called the Billings Bypass Corridor Study, it was presented to and approved by, the Yellowstone County Commissioners on Tuesday. Included in the report was a second portion which focused on traffic safety called the Billings Community Transportation Plan. The two studies will now go to the Policy Coordinating Committee (PCC) on Jan. 17 for final approval, having been also presented to the Planning Board and the City Council.

The Billings Corridor Bypass Study is different from the more familiar Billings Bypass Study, in that it focuses on planning and the vision for the development of the area surrounding the Bypass road structure.  The Billings Bypass project has been an ongoing effort since 1998 and is projected to be completed in 2025.

The PCC – which is Yellowstone County’s Metropolitan Planning Organization – oversaw the development of the corridor study by DOWL engineers.  Lisa Olmsted, public relations director for DOWL, presented the details of the study to the commissioners, making the point that the Bypass will “complete a missing link between Lockwood and the Heights and will draw these two communities    closer.”

She further explained that the corridor study “will provide insight for the final design and construction of the Billings Bypass and provide guidance for future development along the corridor.”

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