MetraPark… Mismanagement?

by Michael J. Marino 

MetraPark is accused by a number of local event promoters of discriminating against certain events and not upholding the terms of previously signed contracts. One such event holder, Richard Todd, founder of Dream Chasers Racing, decided to speak out about his experience with Metra in an interview on October 4.  

Back in 2020, Todd said he wanted to “provide some entertainment for Billings, and give motocross racers another place to race at,” and went to Metra with that idea in mind. 

After attempting to contact former Metra Director of Marketing, Ray Massie, for nearly a month, Todd said he decided to try the county commissioners, which led to a conversation with Don Jones, and ultimately with Massie, who told Todd he “wasn’t sure if [Metra] would be doing motocross anymore,” due to a recent issue involving spectator injury. 

Todd presented a plan, as instructed, to the commissioners in May 2021 that outlined how he and his staff would ensure spectator and crew safety. After that, Todd signed a contract and the first Dream Chasers event was held at Metra that November which drew a crowd of over 1,000 people and featured “a couple hundred riders,” he said.

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