Heights Water Board 

Files Another Suit

The County Water District of Billings Heights has filed another law suit. On August 15, 2022, attorneys for the District filed suit in Thirteenth District Court against Yellowstone County Commissioners and the county- appointed board member, Pam Ellis. 

Through their attorneys, Susan B. Swimley, Bozeman, and Alison Garab, Bozeman, the plaintiffs are asking the court for a writ of prohibition, writ of mandate, preliminary injunction, and declaratory judgment in the board’s quest to remove Pam Ellis from the board. The existing members of the Water District Board voted to remove Ellis from the board at their regular June meeting, after receiving no action from County Commissioners to do so.

Exactly when the board met to decide to take legal action against the County Commissioners and Ellis, or when they approved engaging the legal council of Swimley and Garab, is unknown by the media. There was no public notice of any meetings.

The court document asks Ellis “to desist and refrain from further participating on the Water District Board until further order from the Court and to appear and show cause as to why she should not be absolutely prohibited from further service as a director on the Water District Board…” They also ask why the County has taken no action to remove Ellis after being asked to do so by the remaining board members.

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