Don’t miss out: Fundraising Auction for Barkemeyer Park

Dear Editor,

The annual fundraising auction for Barkemeyer Park will be held on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at the park in Huntley.  The auction will begin at noon.  Donations for the auction can be delivered to R&R Trading or Styl-N-406 prior to the event, or dropped off at the park the morning of the auction.

Barkemeyer Park began as a weed patch and turned into a beautiful park through the support and dedication of volunteers.  It was the vision of one man, the dedication of a retired farmer and the commitment of many pioneers who stepped forward and offered what they could in the way of supplies, labor and financial support who created what today is known as Barkemeyer Park.  This 1950’s community spirit continues, but more than ever the park needs the support of all of us.  Our ancestors built the park not only for themselves but for all generations to come.  I feel a sense of responsibility to build upon what they started thanking them for all their hard work and to make Barkemeyer Park a beautiful lasting legacy to all whose dedication and hard work made it what it is today.

Barkemeyer Park, a private entity, has been totally funded through donations and the generous support of the communities, businesses and the people it serves.  It is truly a community park not only serving the local communities of Shepherd, Worden, Pompey’s Pillar, Ballantine and Huntley but all who travel through.

As with all things, the park is aging and in desperate need of updates.  Currently, it is irrigated by community volunteers:  Brent Kautz, Shantel Oblander and others.  They move the irrigation pipes across the park for five days.  Then it is mowed, again by Brent Kautz and volunteers, and the process starts over.  An underground sprinkler system is a definite need to maintain its beauty without being totally dependent upon volunteerism.  This goal will definitely take time to accomplish due to the expense.

The Huntley Community Club, overseers of the park, is also working to replace the damaged playground equipment which was recently removed due to the extent of the damage and concerns for the children’s safety.  A bathroom on the west end, a possible updated sign and some beautification projects are also on the list of goals.  Through the auction and the “Art for Our Park” fundraising events the hope is to complete some of the parks needs this year.

For the benefit of Barkemeyer Park, all are invited to participate in the auction and the September “Art for Our Park” event.  If you are unable to participate in either and you wish to help Barkemeyer Park, monetary donations are gratefully appreciated!  The address for the Huntley Community Club is:  PO Box 101, Huntley, Montana, 59037.  The HCC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  All contributions are tax deductible.  My deepest appreciation to all who have supported the park in the past, presently and plan to in the future!

Peggy Bekel-Hough

Shepherd, Mt

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