METRA: Private versus Government

Dear Editor:


There certainly seems to be a lot of views, opinions and disagreement regarding whether or not to keep the Metra Management under the guidance of the County or to Privatize?  When one of the commissioners asked me about my personal thoughts, here’s what I shared with him.

I always “favor” Private versus Government oversight.  With that being said, I stated that the most important factor was “WHO” would be the Manager in this case, not who simply was responsible and accountable for the oversight.

My reasoning?  Whichever option they may decide upon, even though it fundamentally may truly be the better of the two options, should you put the wrong Manager in charge, the end result will turn out bad!  The end result?  The Commissioners will take the heat, and the Metra & Public will be the losers.

In this situation, I personally do feel it is more important to have the right person in place.  A case in point – just look at the current approval numbers with our President and Vice-President at the national level.  They, again, my opinion, have the oversight of our great Country, our great Constitution, but certainly NEITHER are the right people to have in charge.  

Oh, Oh.  Probably should have left that last paragraph out??????  My bad!!

Edward O. Hoem

Billings, MT 

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