Democrats are Not Nice People

Dear Editor,

Democrats are not nice people.  The mismanagement of their response to the Covid virus (many, maybe most of those officed in Washington, D.C., are Democrats) wasn’t just because they are stupid.  It was because they loath Donald Trump. 

The Democratic leadership has been actively fighting everything Trump has done since he beat Hillary in 2016 (and Biden continues these efforts).  Donald reduced taxes, thus creating jobs and brightening up our economy; so, in the early days of the Covid pandemic when there was confusion as to how to protect us all, they decided to shut down the economy – send everyone home from work, from school, prevent any getting together, keep six feet apart, remember, and wear a mask.  We know now these restrictions did more harm than good (possibly more harm than Covid itself), but it canceled all the jobs Trump had created and crushed small businesses (government employees were still paid for working at home).  No government in the past has shut businesses down to fight contagion, and we know now from examples around our country, and around the world that those communities that didn’t shut down didn’t suffer worse death rates than those that did.

Biden and his minions have continued their attempts to erase Trump’s work – by executive order Joe cancelled the Keystone pipeline project and cancelled “fracking” on any Federal lands.  Many good jobs were cancelled thereby.  Joe shut down work on the border wall and opened up the country to refugees from Central America (and around the world).  He’s re-opening negotiations with Iran, rejoining climate change deliberations; the list goes on.  Vote Republican.

Stuart Deans

Lockwood, MT

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