Dear Editor,
Yes, Joe Biden is my President, and I’m a registered Republican, but more importantly, a life-long Conservative. Why bring this up? For the last four years, so many, many people touted that President Trump was “not” their President.
I believe the number one reason President Trump lost the election was their hatred for the man. So many, many people refused to separate the performance (policy) from the performer (personality). We now have a self-proclaimed uniter (signer of 41 executive orders already), to a very concerning demeanor, gaffes and stumbles, literally and figuratively; (personality).
President Biden just finished his first National Press Conference. President Biden, in a matter of days, has shown, a different form of arrogance via his shear incompetence. If and when challenged (which is rarely), his response is “Come on, man!” The so-called press conference was scripted of who he was going to take questions from and in what order the reporters were going to be called upon; then, to top it off, read his answers from his “scripted” notepad. If you know, and are committed to what you believe, one should not need, I stress NEED, scripted answers!! Not this President! Not our President!!
I suspect that the inner circles of the upper echelon of the Democrat Party, are or should be concerned as well, —– silently, of course! Unless, unless, they are excited and planning about the possibility of having the first woman as the President of the United States??
As for the general public who voted for Joe Biden, I trust you’ll be very outspoken and vocal as you boast about voting for a better, kinder, and gentler United States of America!! I’ll be looking for your boasting letters to the editor, coming very soon.
Then their view of the world leaders, be it political allies and foes as well. What must they be thinking? Time will tell. I am concerned about the outcome there as well. This is serious stuff. President Biden is currently the “Leader” of the USA, but his “leadership” certainly is quickly brought into question.
Yes, elections do have consequences. Time will reveal!
Edward O. Hoem
Billings, MT