HELENA- This week, the Legislature was able to dig into the latest round of federal COVID-19 funds. Unlike last year when the previous Governor allocated federal COVID funds without Legislative input, we are in session now.
The House is starting the processing of gathering public input and scrutinizing the use of these funds to ensure that they are wisely spent on long-term, critical infrastructure projects to support Montana’s economy. This includes water, sewage, broadband, and support to key industries that have been devastated by government-mandated shutdowns.
The federal COVID funds are separate from the state’s main budget bill which is House Bill 2. Next week, the full House will be taking action on House Bill 2 and passing the most conservative state budget that I’ve seen in my three terms in Legislature. It also gives Governor Gianforte and his agency directors the tools that they need to continue eliminating waste in state government over the coming biennium.
On the tax front, we passed bills to allow third-party property tax appraisals in disputes, incentivize fiber connections, provide property tax relief for seniors, establish workforce housing credits, and the Senate advanced House Bill 252 to provide career & technical education tax credits to employers. These pieces of legislation reduce tax burdens on Montanans, spur economic growth, and provide training opportunities for the next generation of Montana workers.
One of my personal priority bills, the Students with Special Needs Equal Opportunity Act (House Bill 329) passed out of the full House and Appropriations Committee. This bill is now a major step closer to becoming law and providing parents with the flexibility they need to provide their children with individualized education services.
I look forward to providing additional information on the state budget and other priority bills for House Republicans next week. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Sue Vinton (R-Lockwood) is the Majority Leader of the Montana House of Representatives and Sponsor of HB 329