Homesteader Days is still scheduled for the original dates of July 10-11 despite the concerns related to COVID-19. Homesteader Days Event Coordinator, Bethany Hein, stated, “We are moving forward!
After much research and deliberation, we chose to move forward with this year’s event.” Each day will function in a largely similar fashion to previous years. July 10th will feature three live performances from artists Darryl Worley, Copper Mountain Band, and The Bucky Beaver Groundgrippers. The gates will open at 4:30 pm Friday evening, which is a half hour earlier than normal. During the event, safe practices will be observed and exercised. “Social distancing and sanitation protocols will be laid out and supported with visual aids throughout the park.”
The Huntley Project Lion’s Club is working with Riverstone Health to outline suitable guidelines to safely host the event. The complete and updated protocols and guidelines can be found on the Huntley Project Lion’s Club website and Facebook page. Along with this, they will be sent out to all attendees prior to the event. Advance tickets are available on their website and Facebook for $35 and $40 concert day. These are only available for a limited time as they have capped their attendance to help facilitate social distancing. “Our goal is to provide another great event with social responsibility and safety for all at the forefront of our planning,” explained Bethany.
Traditional Homesteader Days will be hosted on Saturday, July 11th. “The day will look similar to years past with a few exceptions,” she stated. “The run, parade, games, Fun on the Farm, food vendors, teen dancing, and evening entertainment will stay on schedule.” There will be a few changes to the day, however. The Craft Fair and Greased Pig race will be removed from the schedule. Along with this, the Beer Garden entertainment has been changed to Calvin and the Coal Cars. They request that you stay home if you are sick during those days, so as they can maintain safe practices. You can find further updates on the Lion’s Club website and Facebook page. “We look forward to having another great event!”