Hunting by helicopter?

Dear Editor, 

I believe hunters in Montana know that it is illegal to use an aircraft to hunt game animals. Actually it is also illegal to use an aircraft to locate such animals. I understand that Greg Gianforte talked about using a helicopter to hunt a moose. I believe this occurred in Montana last year. I invite Gianforte to explain to the citizens of Montana how he did that and still avoided braking the law by doing it. Inquiring minds would like to know!

Dr. W. David Herbert

Senior Attorney the State Bar of Montana

Billings, MT

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One comment on “Hunting by helicopter?

  1. If you voted for Gianforte after he bodyslammed a reporter, then YOU are part of the problem this country has with tax cuts for the rich, racism and alternative realities (“FAKE NEWS!”).
    In addition, I was shocked to read an opinion piece which was not labeled as such. The piece encouraged me to ignore CDC guidelines AND quoted Charles Lindbergh, a well-known Nazi sympathizer.
    Charles Lindbergh was known for other things, of course, but an editor quoting fascists comes off as very tone deaf right now.
    Matt Owen