During these turbulent times for the Worden Ballantine Yellowstone County Water and Sewer District (WBYC), they have thankfully been receiving an outpouring of support from across Yellowstone County, including much needed pallets of water for the people of the Worden/Ballantine area. WBYC also encourages anyone with a well in the area to test it, and they are giving out well test kits provided by the Yellowstone County Extension Office. These can be picked up at the WBYC office on Main St. in Worden between 7:30am – noon each weekday. Not only will these tests help you determine if your well is safe to drink from, it will also provide data necessary to get a picture of the underground water quality throughout the area. A volunteer network for distributing water is also being put together with WBYC, Huntley Project Schools, and Bethlehem Congregational Church all giving out water to those who need it.
The Heights Albertsons donated ten pallets, Godfather’s Pizza donated two pallets, Nemont Telephone donated two pallets, EBMS donated 48 cases, Cisco MT donated ten pallets with ten more on the way according to the WBYC website, Yellowstone Valley Electric Co-op donated four pallets of gallon containers, David Johnson of Magic City Markers donated a pallet, and CHS Laurel Refinery has donated five pallets. Thank you to all of these organizations for your donations. They are greatly appreciated.
Anyone living within the Water District in need of clean drinking water for the week can pick it up this Saturday, 9/21/2019, from 10am – 2pm at the WBYC office on Main St. in Worden. If you have any questions, would like to volunteer some time to help bring water to the masses, or would like to donate water, you can call Gary at (406)696-5507.