Dr. Olszewski practices what he preaches

Dear Editor,

As a pro-life Montanan, mother of six (biological and adoptive), I am frustrated with the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund’s endorsement of Greg Gianforte for Governor of Montana. He is currently running against two pro-life candidates in the Republican primary, one of which is my husband, Dr. Albert D. Olszewski, State Senator.

Dr. Olszewski has sponsored and articulately carried multiple pro-life bills through three legislative sessions. In 2015 he drafted and carried HB 479 “Montana’s Unborn Child Pain and Suffering Prevention Act.” In 2017 he sponsored and carried SB 282, an act revising abortion laws to restrict the performance of an abortion on a viable fetus. In 2019 Dr. Olszewski brought to the floor and carried SB 354 “Montana Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.” He has stood relentlessly in the legislative arena of our state capital advocating for babies in the womb against vicious attacks from the left, including NARAL, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.  

The very bills SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser quoted in her endorsement of Greg were the bills my husband sponsored and carried successfully through both houses and yes, only to be vetoed by Governor Steve Bullock! Greg has never defended or brought forward bills to protect unborn babies. He votes pro-life and adds his name as a co-sponsor to bills, that’s it. Montana’s pro-life champion is Dr. Al Olszewski and the statewide pro-life communities, as well as the abortion proponents, are well aware of it.

For those of us that support pro-life causes across our state and country, SBA List’s interference in our primary is surprising and disappointing. They disregarded and violated their own criteria in making the endorsement. Greg is not running against any pro-abortion candidate! 

Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, please save your endorsement for the general election. To choose sides between three pro-life candidates is unnecessary and is interfering with our state election process. 


Nancee Olszewski

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