Can pets drink the contaminated water?

Dear Editor,

Today, 8/27, I emailed The Animal Hospital in Billings and put this question to them; “Good morning: With the high level of nitrates in the water here in Worden I wonder if it is good for Buddy to be drinking the water.  Do you have any comments you can share with me?”

Here is the Animal Hospital’s answer: “Excellent question and the answer is actually no, it is not good for Buddy to be drinking the water in its current state right now. It is highly recommended that both you and Buddy should be drinking primarily bottled water.

“They can actually get Nitrate poisoning just like humans can. They can usually tolerate slightly higher quantities than us, but they are still susceptible at higher than normal amounts.”

I have a distiller with a 15-gallon holding tank.  Distilling water takes out the nitrates.  I use that water for drinking and cooking. Because I can make such a large quantity of distilled water at a time, I would be willing to share some of distilled water with the people in my community.

Michael Rogers


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