Can’t we all just get along?

Dear Editor,

I have been faithfully reading your paper for over twenty years of my life and while I do enjoy the local and informative content, I have never enjoyed the constant onslaught of heavily weighted, bigoted, and hateful letters from some of your regular contributors.

 David Malek’s most recent letter is a prime, disturbing example of this, in which he claims exclusive ownership of America with the line, “Not in my America.” This is the most un-American line that can be spewed. 

Mr. Malek, this is not YOUR America, it is OUR America. Including you, the name calling liberals, the LGBTQ community, the wacked out left and right, AND (probably most importantly) the middle of the road, just living their lives and not trying to impose their personal agendas, religious beliefs, faiths, or ideologies on others, type of folks.

 You see, Malek, I don’t personally support your conservative, Christian right agenda any more than I support the excessive liberal agenda. Your type and theirs are always at each others’ throats, causing a toxic and divided political environment that allows the real problem (the rare, super selfish, evil humans who do not care about you or me and never will) to successfully keep us from actually coming together to make good choices for ourselves. 

 Malek, I want you to be able to be a “Christian,” whether you know what that even means or not. I want you to have your guns and “use them responsibly.” I also want other humans to have the right to express themselves without having other humans’ personal agendas, religious beliefs, faiths, or ideologies being imposed upon their own basic right to happiness, which is afforded to all of us by the brilliant, original Constitution of OUR country.

Just sayin’, let’s cut the crap and treat each other with respect. Seriously, with love. 

Bethany Anderson


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