Christianity and original sin

Dear Editor, 

Over 15 years ago my wife Sherry and I were living back in California for a while. We went to a presentation on the Muslim religion put on by one of the local catholic parishes. An individual who was identified as an Imam from one of the local Muslim congregations spoke to us. There was a question and answer session. I asked him if Muslims believed in original sin. Of course, the answer was no.

Actually, he kind of made fun of anyone who could believe that a little baby could be guilty of a sin. Obviously, he did not believe in the fallen nature of man. If there was no original sin, then there was no need for Jesus Christ coming to earth and dying for our sins. It would follow that there was no need for Christianity if there was no original sin.

The problem with this meeting was I was only able to ask that one question and had to be content with the simple answer of no. I was not able to inquire about the implication that the no answer logically led to about Christianity being relevant.

Dr. W. David Herbert


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