Unveiling more of the YCN iceberg everyday

Well, Folks, the ballots are in and we have some winners! Actually, we have 40 winners to be exact plus my Editor’s Choice Award winner that we will be announcing in next week’s edition of Yellowstone County News. Thank you for your patience and to all the readers and voters that participated in the process.  We’ll be announcing even more things to come in the near future so keep your eyes glued to your paper as those announcements come to light.

I can’t believe that we just keep picking up new businesses and subscribers as we continue to roll out our newspaper to the masses within Yellowstone County, especially those who have us drop at their business on Thursday.  In fact, we have four new bank building locations that are taking our newspaper with additional new subscribers in the mail and other business locations where we are dropping our newspaper each week.  I hope to have a new reporter hired so that I can actually have the time to go visit all the other entities. So keep letting others know I am looking for the right person to join our team.  

It amazes me the kind of support we’re getting and the amount of people that are learning about our newspaper that covers Yellowstone County.  I’ve had some great conversations with others and ideas to add to our newspaper, but I’ve always had the mentality of not running faster than I can walk. Until then, we’ll continue to reveal slight views of the iceberg over time.    

Here’s another thought for you to analyze and chew on with me.  If the Yellowstone County News was to move and either rent a bigger building or buy land to build, where would you think we should go?  I’m just saying and throwing it out there to the masses as I’ve been thinking about this since purchasing the Yellowstone County News some 4 ½ years ago. If you were in my shoes, where would be the best location for a business of our industry? I’ve been milling this idea around for some years and waiting on two things to happen in order to announce that change. However, either I’m impatient or it’s never going to happen so in the meantime, we’ll stay put in our little office that is busting at the seams.  

I feel that if we are going to build a house or business (figuratively speaking), I sure want it to be built on a sure foundation (as much as possible) that includes rock and not sand.  Can you imagine what has to happen in order for this to come to fruition? Can you see the dilemma?  If so, then you must be able to see the tip of the iceberg!  However, imagine then, what you can’t see! 

Until then, See you in next week’s paper


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