Roe vs. Wade: real losses are staggering

Dear Editor, 

January 22nd, 2019 marks 46 years since the United States Supreme Court’s decision of Roe vs. Wade. In that time, more than 60,000,000 unborn babies have been aborted. 60 million. That number is so staggering that my mind fails to comprehend it. I am taking a moment to remember those innocent lives, but also to speak out against abortion.

Abortion is a very contentious topic; one that I am passionate about. With everything in me, I abhor abortion. Abortion is one of the greatest injustices of our time; a great exploitation of women in this age, driven by a highly lucrative abortion industry. Veiled in a guise of many lies, too many to address in this letter, women are exploited for financial gain; both the women and the unborn children. As a pro-life advocate, I advocate for both the baby and the mother; which is something I think the “pro-choice” supporters should do better. I value the lives of both the mother and the baby; both are worthy of protection and support and dignity. 

Thirty-one years ago, my own brave birth mother chose life for me. I am ever grateful for her and the bravery she showed. She would have been one of the prime candidates for the “abortion advocates.” As a result of her strong convictions regarding life, I was adopted into a wonderful family. My oldest sister’s birth mother chose life for her, too. Because of that powerful choice, I have a beautiful sister and a best friend. Both birth mothers had support systems that allowed them to make that choice. Also, I experienced the heartache of potentially losing a nephew due to the fact he was to be born with only half a heart. It was uncertain he could even survive hours past birth. Many would deem him not worthy of carrying to full term. Almost seven years and three open heart surgeries later, he is as healthy as any normal boy his age and one of my best friends. Even if he hadn’t survived past birth, he still would have been worth it. I have siblings who are adopted that have special needs. They are loving, caring, trusting, loyal, productive individuals who would challenge many of us in our attitudes and work ethics.

My own life experience makes evident that there are options: options for desperate, abandoned women that bring hope, options with positive outcomes of productivity for both the physically impaired and for the developmentally challenged. Life begins at conception. Life is precious. Life is beautiful. Life is to be valued; from the moment of conception to the last breath a person draws. It is time that we make life-changing decisions based on “truths that are self-evident”. 


Amanda Scheidler

Ballantine, MT

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