Love, compassion and respect for everyone

Dear Editor, 

On Face Book there was a “Which side of the fence are you”  of conservative and liberal stance.  No one I know fit their description for either. I claim Christian Democrat, meaning Christ died for EVERYONE on the planetand we should have love, compassion and respect for everyone in the world, especially the sick and starving. 

   I believe in conservation of resources, this country of planed obsolescence and onetime use products is appalling.  What ever happened to “waste not, want not?”  I also believe in a quality of life, quality education and quality medical treatment, not insurance to fund Wall Street.  

 I respect Carl Wolf as we go back to his school board days and a teacher issue.  I am for the freedom of speech and journalism should cover all three sides of the coin, front, back and edge, anything less is propaganda.   

   In regards to Jose Bustos letter of 1-18-19, when some one starts throwing labels around, it is confusing as no one actually fits the stereotype, That one size fits all is a lie.  Mr. Bestos makes the reference to God will make America Great again.  The Roman Emperor claimed to be god. People’s actions speak louder than words.  From what I have seen of our governmental actions no one believes in God.  Other than the god of the dollar.     

Lauris Byxbe

Pompey’s Pillar 

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