I was a libertarian when I entered law school

Dear Editor:

A few years after receiving my medical degree I joined the Libertarian Party in 1980. Most of us who joined at that time had been Barry Goldwater Republicans or Jack Kennedy Democrats. We were trying to form a party that truly reflected the values of the founders of this country.

I was a libertarian when I entered law school at age 40 in 1983.

In 1996, I ran as the Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate in Wyoming. In 2008, I ran as the Libertarian candidate for U.S. House, also in Wyoming. I served as the chairman of the Libertarian Party in Wyoming for several years.

When I joined the party in 1980, there really was not much difference between the major parties in most political issues. Recently, the Democratic Party has become the lunatic left party. I ask that any Libertarians who vote in November please vote for the GOP for the federal offices or not vote at all for these offices. Voting any other way is a good way of destroying what constitutional republic we may have left in this country.

Dr. W. David Herbert ESQ


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